关于「 react」的内容列表

The CPI in the United States rebounded in January, but the market reaction may be a bit excessive. Gold is not afraid of yield pressure, Trump revealed Russia-Ukraine negotiation plan, oil and gas are generally under pressure...

The CPI in the United States rebounded in January, but the market reaction may be a bit excessive. Gold is not afraid of yield pressure, Trump revealed Russia-Ukraine negotiation plan, oil and gas are generally under pressure...

2025-02-13 11:15:29
The closely watched US stock analysts believe that investors seem to be overreacting, and the slump in Nvidia's share price ultimately represents a huge opportunity for investors...

The closely watched US stock analysts believe that investors seem to be overreacting, and the slump in Nvidia's share price ultimately represents a huge opportunity for investors...

2025-01-28 03:59:47
Economist: The more aggressive Trump's policies are, the more likely the U.S. economy will fall into stagflation

U.S. markets reacted enthusiastically to Trump's victory, but that trade has since moderated. Economist Phil Suttle offers an alternative scenario. His outlook shows that the more aggressively Trump pursues policies such as deportations and tariffs, the more likely the U.S. is to fall into a stagflation scare in the coming years. If immigrants are cut off and workers are deported, the labor force could lose all of its growth momentum, or even shrink. With tariffs, Suttle estimates that economic ...

2025-01-09 19:45:52
TD Securities: The Federal Reserve will arrive at the neutral interest rate even later

TD Securities said the latest market reaction following Trump's victory suggested that the market expected a combination of tax cuts and tariffs to push up the Federal Reserve's neutral interest rate. We are changing our forecasts for the Fed because rising inflation will lead to a slower pace of rate cuts in 2025. We now expect the Fed to cut rates by 25 basis points each in November, December and January, then pause in March. The Fed will continue to cut rates - pause - cut rates in 2025, and ...

2024-11-07 07:17:37
Iranian President: Will respond appropriately to Israeli aggression

On October 28, local time on October 27, Iranian President Pezehizyan said that Iran does not seek war, but will defend its national rights and respond appropriately to Israeli aggression. Iran also has the right to respond to Israeli attacks.

2024-10-27 20:17:39
Federal Reserve Goolsby: Don't overreact to a month's worth of data.

Federal Reserve Goolsby: Don't overreact to a month's worth of data.

2024-08-02 16:03:26
Goolsbee calmly responds to non-farm payroll data: Federal Reserve will not overreact

On August 3, Chicago Federal Reserve President Goolsbee stressed that the Federal Reserve will not overreact to any economic report and that policymakers will have a lot of data before the Fed's next meeting. Speaking after the release of the weaker-than-expected non-farm payrolls report, Goolsbee said that the Fed's job is to figure out the "continuity" of the data and act in a "stable" manner. However, he pointed out that if the restrictive rate remains in place for too long, policymakers must...

2024-08-02 16:25:50
Biconomy Releases React Hooks SDK to Optimize Front-End Developer Experience

On June 18, Web3 developer and transaction infrastructure platform Biconomy released the React Hooks SDK to simplify front-end developers' BiconomySmartAccountV2 interaction with the protocol. The team says that with the launch of Biconomy DAN and the upcoming Nexus platform, all updates and enhancements will be integrated under the framework of the useAA library. This ensures a great deal of development experience for developers, while keeping the protocol focused on stability and forward compa...

2024-06-18 03:05:11
Biconomy发布React Hooks SDK,优化前端开发人员开发体验

6月18日消息,Web3开发者和交易基础设施平台Biconomy发布React Hooks SDK,简化前端开发人员与协议的BiconomySmartAccountV2交互。 团队表示,随着Biconomy DAN和即将推出的Nexus平台的推出,所有更新和增强功能都将集成在useAA库的框架下。这极大程度上确保了开发者的开发体验,同时保证了协议专注于稳定性和向前兼容性。

2024-06-18 03:05:11
SlowMist Chief Information Security Officer: React web application framework Next. JS has a vulnerability, please upgrade to v14.1.1 version immediately

SlowMist Chief Information Security Officer 23pds posted that the well-known React web application framework Next. JS has been found to have a full read SSRF (CVE-2024-34351) vulnerability. It is worth noting that a large number of platforms in the cryptocurrency industry use this framework. Please upgrade to version v14.1.1 immediately to avoid attacks.

2024-05-10 00:36:18
慢雾首席信息安全官:React web应用框架Next.JS出现漏洞,请立即升级至v14.1.1版本

慢雾首席信息安全官23pds发文称,知名React web应用框架Next.JS被发现一个完整读取的SSRF(CVE-2024-34351)漏洞。值得注意的是加密货币行业有大量的平台使用此框架,请立即升级至v14.1.1版本,避免遭受攻击。

2024-05-10 00:36:18
美元稳定币USDC发行商Circle推出新版React Native SDK

据美元稳定币 USDC 发行商 Circle 联合创始人兼首席执行官 Jeremy Allaire 在 X 平台,Circle 已推出新版可编程钱包软件开发包 React Native SDK,以支持构建用户控制的 Web3 钱包应用程序。

2024-04-10 15:34:27
Taken Director to Helm Ethereum NFT Collection Reactor Motors Movie
Taken Director to Helm Ethereum NFT Collection Reactor Motors Movie

Pierre Morel is set to direct a movie based on a collection of 8,888 digital collectibles.

2024-03-14 02:25:15

7x24 快讯

16:48 2025-03-21
韩国金融当局正计划对 BitMEX、KuCoin、CoinW、Bitunix 和 KCEX 等未在金融情报机构(FIU)注册、却提供韩语网站服务的加密交易平台采取制裁措施。FIU 表示,上述交易所未按规定注册为虚拟资产服务提供商(VASP),因此被视为非法经营。相关官员称,正与韩国通信标准委员会协商,审议封锁这些未注册海外交易所访问权限的方案,预计年内将出台具体措施。
16:27 2025-03-21
16:09 2025-03-21
16:03 2025-03-21
16:00 2025-03-21
据@lookonchain 监测,一鲸鱼地址今日累计买入 7074 枚 ETH,按当前价格计算总价值约为 1380 万美元。 该地址 3 小时前从 OKX 提取 4511 枚 ETH(约 881 万美元),并将其存入 Aave 作为抵押,随后借出 500 万美元 USDT 并重新转入 OKX,用于买入额外的 2563 枚 ETH(约 500 万美元)。
16:00 2025-03-21
美国总统特朗普表示,与马斯克在美国国防部会晤,讨论成本和 DOGE 问题。
15:54 2025-03-21
Coinbase CEO:支持隐私保护,期待与财政部合作打击非法活动
Coinbase 首席执行官 Brian Armstrong 近日在社交媒体上就此前美财政部解除对 Tornado Cash 制裁一事发表看法:“没有人希望看到不法分子使用加密货币。但隐私对许多守法公民来说是一项重要功能,而且你不能制裁开源代码(这是一个言论自由问题)。很高兴看到这个问题得到解决。” 他补充道:“我们期待与财政部合作,寻找打击加密货币领域约 0.1%...
15:42 2025-03-21
15:39 2025-03-21
据Ethena官方声明,德国BaFin已通知其位于法兰克福的实体Ethena GmbH的MiCAR合规申请将不被批准,但该决定不影响USDe当前交易所上市及通过英属维京群岛实体Ethena (BVI) Limited的铸造与赎回服务。 Ethena强调,USDe仍为全额资产支持,不存在被“冻结”情况。未来将评估其他监管路径,并将在未来一周内修订相关服务条款以反映当前变化。该事件不影响大多数用户的正常使用流程。
15:39 2025-03-21
15:36 2025-03-21
MegaETH 宣布推出公共测试网,昨日向超 19 万个钱包空投测试网 ETH。
15:33 2025-03-21
据BaFin官网公告,德国金融监管局BaFin已叫停Ethena GmbH在德国发行USDe稳定币的新业务,理由是其在MiCAR许可流程中存在重大组织缺陷和合规违规行为,包括资产储备管理不当与资本金要求未达标。 BaFin已采取如下措施:冻结Ethena GmbH的资产储备、限制管理层对资产的处置权、关闭其官网相关功能、并指派专员监督执行。此外,BaFin还怀疑Ethena G...